Moore for less

Sep 15, 2008

These days when you need to take out a second mortgage just to fill up the car with petrol, and when your Electricity bills are so large you have to call them “Williams” its nice to find something that is actually a bargain.

At a mere £2.79 this book doesn’t cost much more than a single “floppy” comic yet it contains five legendary comics within its 168 pages.

It would be worth the price of admission for the fab Jonni Future story alone.

The book contains the premiere issues of the five “America’s Best Comics” that Alan Moore was connected with.

In a comic shop you may have to pay £3.99. If you’re somewhere that accepts $$$s you may have to pay the cover price of $4.99. What a bargain.

PS: Amazon in the USA usefully inform their customers that this book weighs 9.9 ounces. Why?