Summer (the first time)

Jun 11, 2010

Sometimes a certain song becomes indelibly attached to a time/place/person. Listening to The Buoys with “Give up your guns” and I’m propelled back to the summer of 1972 (for 4.05 minutes anyway). The outro/instrumental is the best part. Actually a lot of of the songs on this chart stick in my mind. Do you remember “We’re on our way” by Chris Hodge ?? I took my little russian portable radio (with its cute leather case) everywhere I went back then.

PS: The Buoys only other hit was “Timothy” which made the US charts even though it was all about cannibalism !!

PPS: If anyone should want to look at other Dutch Pop charts from the early 1970s you will find them right here.

6 Responses to “Summer (the first time)”

  1. Dave Roberts Says:

    One of my all time favourite tracks and it evokes many happy care free memories from the 70’s and I thought I was the only person on this planet to actually remember this gem of a song. We are definitely showing our age here. The outro/instrumental is simply the icing on the cake with this one and it could go on forever………..aah memories!

  2. I went to great lengths to track this single down (I think it took me until 1974) as no one had heard of it. Surprisingly it made the European charts again in 1979 or 1980 and the band were either still together or re-convened to appear on the Dutch TV version of “Top of the Pops” …probably miming and without the final minute of the instrumental break unfortunately here:-

    Now I’m on the lookout for some daytime radio shows from RNI/Veronica from August 1972. All I’ve found so far on my own tapes is a couple of evening programmes from that time and of course evening programmes tended to focus on more progressive stuff. (Even the Azanorak site only has one recording from this period).

  3. Dave Roberts Says:


    I have had a good search around the usual places on the internet and there is a dearth of recordings from RNI and Veronica during August 1972. How weird! All the anoraks must have gone on holiday!!!!! But I will see what I can uncover over the next week. I like a challenge…..

  4. I spent most of August 1972 on the east coast where reception was much better than at home and I recall listening to RNIs daytime programming constantly. In fact I was surprised to discover it was often to be heard in shops and cafes etc. Of course I didn’t have my (t)rusty reel-to-reel tape recorder with me on holiday.

    The following year I had a summer job at Butlins. Thus I had soon earned enough money to buy a cheap and nasty cassette recorder so I could make cheap and nasty recordings of Radio Caroline.(I’d moved on from RNI and the likes of Bolland and Bolland to Pink Floyd and Wings !!)

  5. Dave Roberts Says:

    Nothing found yet from August 1972 other than a few snippets BUT I will email you when I do uncover any real gems from that period in RNI/Veronica’s output.

    Any more recordings from any of your manky old tapes would be APPRECIATED BY ME THOUGH…..


  6. I appreciate your taking the trouble to look. Apart from the 100 odd cassettes I bought from “rbl” when they were finishing their mail order business (ie: they were cheap) I also wasted many hours of my teenage years making my own less-than-stellar recordings of the offshore stations in the 1970s. Some are more interesting than others of course. I’m currently hampered by the fact that some reels are two track and some are four track. My two track recorder still works (amazingly !!)but the 4 track machine runs slow. And all my two track tapes are on reels that are too big to fit the two track player. In other words the logistics are complicated but it is on my “to do” list.

    Of course I still have umpteen boring cassette tapes of Radio Caroline from the 1980s. The trouble is you have to actually play them to realise they are boring… The only reason I’ve not traded my car in for a newer model is that it has a Radio/CD/Cassette combination in the dashboard and it is a great place for me to “review” tapes and then throw them onto the back seat until they find their way into the bin….

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