Thirty Nine

Jun 1, 2019

Here is my Great Great Grandfather. If he was alive today I wonder if he’d have enjoyed my thirty ninth mix?? 

PS: History lesson. Collodion Wet Plate Negatives were used from 1851 until the 1880s. They were invented by Frederick Archer, who used a solution of collodion coated glass with light-sensitive silver salts. Because it was glass and not paper, wet glass plates created a sharper, more stable and detailed negative and a photographer could produce several prints from one negative. A Collodion Wet Plate Negative can usually be identified by its unevenly coated emulsion, its thick glass, rough edges, and sometimes even a photographer’s thumb print was visible.

Dry Plate Negatives were invented by Richard Maddox in 1873. They were the first economically successful durable photographic medium. Unlike the wet plate variety dry plates were more easily transported, usable when dry, and needed less exposure to light than the wet plates. Dry plate glass negatives were in common use between the 1880s and the late 1920s.