Free Gift

Jun 1, 2023

Sometimes when UK comics had a declining circulation the publishers would try a quick fix of sellotaping a free gift onto the cover. If that failed to increase sales the next step would be to cut their losses and combine the comic with another in their stable.

This Blog has suffered a drastic decline in viewers. Will a free gift help? Free today is Marvelman’s Space Race to the Moon Board Game. All you need to do is print it onto a sheet of A3 paper and find a dice and two different coloured counters. When Marvelman plays the game with Young Marvelman he uses a silver coin as his counter and Young Marvelman uses a copper coin. They have hours of fun with this game in between saving the world from mad scientists.

PS; What will happen when Young Marvelman grows to adulthood? Will he then be called Marvelman and the original Marvelman be renamed to Old Marvelman? 

Send Down An Angel

Jun 1, 2023


Jun 1, 2023

Images of MWOM Number 1 are often posted so, for a change, here are Nos 2 and 3.

Marvel UK began with the weekly comic The Mighty World of Marvel. First on sale for 5p Saturday 30th September 1972 and consequently that first issue was only available to purchase from newsagents for 7 days until Friday 6th October 1972. Approx 225,000 copies of this first issue were printed. Issue No 2 appeared Saturday 7th October 1972. Sales were healthy and settled down to approx 200,000 per week for the first few months.

Interior pages were sometimes Black and White, sometimes in Colour and often in the bonkers Green and Black.

Whoops! Someone has cut out the coupon. Fancy placing it in the middle of the comic!

Back issues of these comics are still cheap considering that the early issues are now over 40 years old. Marvel collectors in the USA have yet to appreciate them, probably not being aware that these comics often contained material unique to them. And an added interest was that the reprinted stories were always on larger page sizes then the original issues.

Many covers featured unique-for-us covers drawn in the States by Marvel’s top artists. Even Jim Starlin did at least two dozen covers including issues 2, 3 and 160 shown here. The artwork for the cover of MWOM 160 would appear often in other UK Marvel comics in the autumn of 1975 as part of an advert for the Xmas 1976 hardback annuals. It may well also have appeared as a poster. It is certainly an iconic image.

In 1975 someone made the surprising decision to issue a new Marvel UK comic named Titan in landscape format shrinking the US pages slightly to fit two to each page.. This shape had been tried before in the 1950s by Classics Illustrated. Some K.G Murray comics had dabbled with two reprinted pages of DC strips but as those comics were still portrait shaped you had to turn the comic sideways to read it. The UK Spider-Man comic was produced in landscape format for a while too. All these oddly shaped comics required unique covers (and sometimes pinups/centre spreads) to be drawn. 

There would be a surprisingly large number of Marvel UK titles appearing and disappering over the next 20 years. Too many (and too boring for me to list). But Rob Kirby plans to list them if his long promised book ever sees the light of day.

This was the final issue of the UK Captain Britain (Vol 1). The next week the comic combined with Spider-Man so at least the Captain’s adventures would continue for a while longer.


Jun 1, 2023

Time is too slow for those who wait.

Too swift for those who fear.

Too long for those who grieve.

Too short for those who rejoice.

But for those who love, time is eternity.

Magnolia Wind

Jun 1, 2023

I’d rather sleep in a box
Like a bum on the street
Than a fine feather bed
Without your little old cold feet
And I’d rather be deaf
Dumb and stone blind
Than to know that your mornings
Will never be mine
And I’d rather die young
Than to live without you
I’d rather go hungry
Than to eat lonesome stew
You know it’s once in a lifetime
And it won’t come again
It’s here and it’s gone
On a magnolia wind
And I’d rather not walk
Through the garden again
If I can’t catch your scent
On a magnolia wind
If it ever comes time
That it comes time to go
Sis pack up your fiddles
Sis pack up your bow
If I can’t dance with you
Then I won’t dance at all
I’ll just sit this one out
With my back to the wall
I’d rather not hear
Pretty music again
If I can’t get your hopes
On a magnolia wind
If I can’t catch your scent
On a magnolia wind

Take Time

Jun 1, 2023

Take time to THINK

It is the source of power.

Take time to PLAY

It is the secret of perpetual youth.

Take time to READ

It is the fountain of wisdom.

Take time to PRAY

It is the greatest power on earth.

Take time to LOVE and BE LOVED

It is a God-given privilege.

Take time to BE FRIENDLY

It is the road to happiness.

Take time to LAUGH

It is the music of the soul.

Take time to GIVE

It is too short a day to be selfish.

Take time to WORK

It is the price of success.

Take time to DO CHARITY

It is the key to heaven.