More RNI World Service

Mar 1, 2019

When Radio Northsea International began on the 23rd January 1970 it broadcast from a number of different Medium wave frequencies before finally settling on 220m. But its shortwave transmissions were always either 31m or 49m or both. The station closed on the 24th September 1970 and returned 19th January 1971. Within a few months the RNI “World Service” added to the one hour A J Beirens Northsea goes DX  shows on shortwave and began broadcasting in English all day every Sunday 9am to 7pm on 31m/49m with different programming to the daytime Medium Wave output (which was usually in Dutch). 

I recorded a number of the Northsea goes DX shows that featured A J. Beirens’  histories of earlier offshore stations along with airchecks. I also recorded some of the other shows broadcast by RNI on shortwave in English on Sunday mornings/afternoons until the SW signal began to fade. Of course the contents of those reels were mostly wiped when I became a musical snob and decided I preferred 1970s Radio Caroline “album” output rather than early 1970s RNI Europop. 

I have posted this short RNI World Service recording previously but I still find it interesting. Mike Ross (real name Colin Novelle) appeared on RNI on and off between September 1970 and January 1974. Sadly he died in 2017 aged 70. 

This RNI World Service recording from 14th November 1971 of Jane Ballantyne (her only live broadcast from the Mebo 2 unless you know otherwise) is longer than the version currently available to download at the Azanorak site. She had a great radio voice and an engaging personality. It’s a shame her stay on the Mebo 2 was so short.