Yet More Marvel Mini Books

May 1, 2015

marvel mini books

joke* I’ve set up a new business selling books that are only one inch high. But the margins are tiny.*joke

Millie the Model Mini Book


Incredible Hulk Marvel Mini Book


To the best of my knowledge Marvel Mini Books were only available via Gumball/Bubblegum vending machines in 1966 and 1967. At least, that’s where I got mine from. There were six different titles available. Thor, Spider-man, Captain America, Sgt Fury (see earlier posts) along with The Incredible Hulk and Millie the Model. Each book was available in six different colours, meaning that for completists to collect the set they’d have to track down 36 items !?!

In Marvel comics dated June 1966 Stan Lee said that in April 1966 (?!?) over TEN MILLION of these smallest-ever comicbooks would be issued.

June 66

PS: In 1965 these were some of the previous mini books available. Presumably they contained jokes. “Silly Willies” must have been a joke, right ?!?


mini books