IW Super comics

Oct 1, 2021

Israel blah Waldman blah unauthorized reprints blah circa 1958 yawn comic printing plates yadda yadda Golden Age mutter mutter. Odd numbering three packs more words again circa 1964 blah blah Super seal some new original covers see the Interweb to research these 332 comics across 118 different titles.

There don’t seem many of these comics around in high grade, not that it matters much to me. I just like to own, look at the covers of, sometimes read, sometimes chuck in the bin, those comics by smaller more obscure publishers that aren’t *yawn* Marvel comics.

Originally sold in packs of three (?) and distributed by different means rather than the usual way and possibly found in shops that didn’t normally sell comics. Were the IW/Super comics that made it to the UK also sold in packs? Perhaps not as this particular issue bears a Len Miller price stamp. Although I must say that I’ve seen a fair number of IW/Super comics over the years and this is the only one I’ve ever seen with a UK price stamp. 

Comics sold in bags of three/four/five were quite a thing in the States. Not so much here. Although I do recall buying packs of Gold Key comics in department stores in the 1960s. I always was wary that although the comic on the front may look interesting I could easily be saddled with Cowboy/Romance/Funny Animal comics that I had no interest in for the rest of the selection. 

Only saving one cent and buying comics blind doesn’t seem that great a deal to me but at least DC do tell you on the bag what you’re likely to find inside.



IW/Super Comics

Jul 23, 2008

I seem to have a few of these semi-legal IW (later to call themselves Super) Comics. At least in the USA they were often sold as three comics in a plastic bag for 25 cents. Gold Key employed a similar means of using up unsold back-issues.

There was a Planet Comics No 1 but strangely the next issue was No 8. You open the cover of Planet No 8 and where there should be the splash page is a full page advert! I’m not even sure if its a current advert or the ad that appeared in the original comic that is being reprinted!! Theres no Comic Code Stamp either. Just Mr Waldman’s bold claim that you’ve got a “top quality comic”. What you’ve actually got is ancient reprints from “Fiction House”, or “Avon” or some other defunct Golden Age comic company.

Israel Waldman was doing just what Alan Class was doing in the UK…buying old plates and printing whatever was on them …horror..funny animals… IW/Super comics appeared sporadically between 1958 and 1964. Mr Waldman would re-appear a few years later as the second half of SkyWald.

Strange Planets 11 from 1964 reprinted the entirity of Avons 1951 one-shot “An Earthman on Venus” drawn by Wally Wood. It did however boast a new Andru/Esposito cover with a similar theme to the original comic.