Superman number one

Oct 1, 2020

The first appearance of Superman was in Action Comics number one. A copy of that sold for $3 million. Superman number one came out the following year. It isn’t worth quite as much but perhaps $1 million is the going price for a nice copy considering perhaps less than 100 still exist.

There have been reprints over the years. In the late 1970s there was a “Famous 1st edition” reprint. This was in a larger “treasury” format and in the early days of eBay was often passed off as an original comic from 40 years earlier.

I bought this treasury-sized comic brand new in 1979 from my local newsagents. Is it missing the “Famous 1st edition” cover? This is just how I purchased the comic. It displays two different UK prices which is odd. I’m sure I would have insisted on paying the lower of the two. Interestingly the proper “Famous 1st edition” comic displayed a price of 80p. Another mystery comic that resides in my eclectic comic collection.

PS: When this treasury edition version of the first Superman comic was published it appears I could have purchased an original for $3000. A missed opportunity? Probably not. At the time that was almost a years wages.

I was watching this 1966 Doris Day film the other day. It is still quite enjoyable. I like the Robotic kitchen sequence and Paul Lynde is always funny.

But I think the cover of the DVD (and presumably the posters at cinemas in 1966/1967) is misleading. Yes, Doris does wear the outfit but only for a couple of seconds whilst Rod Taylor imagines her in a variety of odd situations.

PS: “Sweetheart, I’m gonna buy you a Glass Bottom Boat”.

“Aw honey, I don’t want no fish looking up my skirt”.

(That exchange isn’t in the film either. That’s just what’s in MY imagination).


Who’s Andy?

Oct 1, 2020

I don’t think that “D” should have been there.