More Ogri

Oct 30, 2008


Jul 5, 2008

Paul Sample has been producing a monthly strip in “Bike” magazine for 35 years. Ogri is a simple soul who is happy as long as he has his bike, his bird and his beer. Often in the company of his weedy pal Malcolm, Ogri and his dog Kickstart still seem to live in a timewarp England of the early 1970s.

Extra enjoyment can be had by closely examining each panel. Paul crams numerous little sight gags into every corner of the background often featuring various small animals.

Just to put the panels in their proper context here is the full strip. There are a couple of books collecting the entire series available from the usual sources or direct from Paul’s own site. I’m sure T-Shirts with un-pc slogans are available too!!

Doesn’t Ogri remind you of The Hobgoblin a certain Norse God of Thunder ?