The Unofficial Olympic Games Theme

Aug 1, 2016

I’ve just noticed that the Olympic Games are taking place once more. You know you’re getting older when it only seems like yesterday when I was watching the extravagant opening extravaganza of the 2012 games.

A side

Although titled “The Official Munich Olympic Games Theme 1972?”, (released in the summer of 1972 by JK under the guise of “The Athletes Foot” on his own UK Records label), the question mark is obviously meant to be the disclaimer that, of course, it was in no way officially endorsed. In fact, I’m sure it was rather politically incorrect even back in 1972. The “cheerful games” are now mostly remembered for acts of violence and murder.

B side

Anyway, lets not dwell on terrorism troubles of the past. Side one steals a tune that most will recognise and accompanied by marching boots JK sings stuff like “Though our brains are small, we’re still marching tall, super-conditioned for the final fray”. As usual, I head straight for the B side where, with either an act of genius or more probably out of laziness to quickly churn out some more “product”, JK just plays the A side sdrawkcab.