“All in Colour” to me means full colour throughout the pages within as displayed on the cover. The interior pages are all in SINGLE colours, sometimes red, sometimes green or yellow. And more nit-picking. The cover proclaims “Mystery Comedy Suspense” when there is no story inside that could be classed as Comedy. There are Pirates, Jungle, Cowboy and Crime but nothing remotely humorous.

And they seem to have missed adding any colour to the bottom right panel?!?


Oct 7, 2010

Looking with bewilderment through the current issue of “Marvel Previews” at the upcoming same old same old rubbish comics shortly to be available I realise I am now down to buying just ONE Marvel comic per month. (S.H.I.E.L.D if you really want to know…oh and perhaps a dozen DCs like Madame Xanadu and the upcoming Knight and Squire). However these days I’m getting far more fun and satisfaction re-reading old comics. In this case a VERY old comic from 1947…… The art has a nice “Fanzine” feel to it. This can be explained by the fact that most of the comic was drawn by Bryan Berry who was only 17 years old at the time !! I particularly like the lettering. Bryan went on to write some Science fiction but apparently died at the age of 36.

I believe there were only 4 issues of Cardal Comics’ (who ??) “Streamline Comics” in 1947 featuring yes, you guessed it, Streamline, the UKs version of Superman. So this page at the back of the comic with its talk of future issues seems somewhat redundant. Surprisingly, you can actually buy the contents of this comic (and others of the same period) and loads more obscure stuff from Terry Hooper.