More Superman in the UK

Sep 1, 2018

The 1950s K.G Murray Superman comics weren’t the first time reprints of Superman appeared in the UK. “Triumph” comic reprinted Superman for 21 issues beginning in 1939. The run from #772-793 includes four with a Superman cover appearance.

The Atlas annuals and Thorpe and Porter’s “Super DC” in the 1960s through Egmont’s magazines, pocket books and annuals in the 1980s right up to the current Titan reprints have all featured Superman here in the UK. Often forgotten about is Fleetway’s “Radio Fun” comics of 1959 to 1961 that featured Superman. Superman daily newspaper strips were adapted here into two page (or sometimes one-and-a-half page) stories. “Radio Fun” merged with “Buster” in 1961. So Superman also appeared in “Buster” for a few months too.


They used the same image a few weeks later!?! Kids in the UK would assume Superman’s costume was all-red.

PS:Buster comic began May 1960 and would go on to incorporate the following defunct UK comics, sometimes continuing with a couple of strips from the now-defunct title:
Radio Fun
Film Fun
Monster Fun
School Fun
Whizzer and Chips
(and of course the above comics had also incorporated other titles themselves.)
The last Buster comic appeared in January 2000.