Conforms to the Comics Code

Jan 1, 2022

I must admit that I had never noticed this before until today. The Comics Code stamp began appearing in the top right corner of most comics in mid 1955. However for a whole year prior to that Atlas had been putting a little star logo on their covers containing the words “Conforms to the Comics Code”. The funny thing is that yes, something like a Patsy Walker comic had always been child user-friendly. But the 1954 issues of Journey into Mystery for example, seemed no different to earlier gruesome fare that had brought the Comic Code into existance. Despite the tiny star logo I doubt if No 15 really did comply with the code. By 1955 the stories were toned down to “mystery” and later “monster” stories that frankly I found quite repetative. After a few years of tedium it was inevitable that people were ready for the return of Superheroes.