Nuff Said 25

Oct 29, 2010

An updated version of this would probably depict someone/a dinosaur with a mobile phone with no text messages in it. And why do Americans call them Cell Phones ? What has prison got to do with them ??

4 Responses to “Nuff Said 25”

  1. David Simpson Says:

    Unless I’m greatly mistaken, that’s the work of J Edward Oliver, whose work I fondly remember from Record Mirror. I especially like the 4d price on the book, meaning that either this cartoon’s even older than I thought, or that the artist was paying attention to detail.


  2. Yes I was a great fan of the late JEO and weekly would deface my Disc and Music Echo (and later Record Mirror)newspapers to save his inspired work. (Another “if only”. There doesn’t seem any logic to which stuff from my past I’ve saved and what got lost along the way). JEO also did loads of strips in various comics of course and even the odd LP cover for Jonathan King !!

    If you’ve not already visited go there immediately if not sooner…..

  3. David Simpson Says:

    Thanks for reminding me of JEO, and the link to the website — much to be explored and enjoyed there.

    I discovered your blog a few days ago, and have been enjoying ploughing through your old entries. Judging by one of those entries, you were born in 1957, making you roghly my age, so there’s a lot of common ground here (plus, my abiding passions for comics and pop music probably help there).


  4. Yes it seems that you have to be our age to be interested in “stuff”. Having the name David also helps…..

    Good luck in your ploughing……..

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